Brand with a Bang!


Remember, remember…

Remember, remember the fifth of November, the treason and the plot. There is no reason why this treason should ever be forgot.

But how memorable is your brand?

Out of sight, out of mind

Standing out was your intent. Blood, sweat and tears all spent. Brand identity and tone of voice. To become customers’ brand of choice. But when your brand cannot be seen, it’s easy to forget. And all of your investment becomes unwanted debt.

Building a lasting impression

So, what do you need to create a memorable brand in a digital world?

Here are 5 tips according to Forbes:

  1. A passionate ‘tribe’ – you need a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. Your ‘tribe’ is what turns your brand idea into a brand reality. Delight the true believers. They’re the ones that are going to spread the word for you

  2. Social virality – ensure your brand exists on social channels. A strong social presence – consistent, unique and engaging – characterises the most memorable brands

  3. A personal platform – build your business and your personal brand. For entrepreneurs and business owners, both are essential. One builds the other. Your ‘tribe’ wants to connect with you – not just your brand

  4. Presence where it matters – be present where your target audience is present - be that LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest et al

  5. A clear USP – define what makes your brand different. What makes a brand truly memorable is not just what it offers, but how and why. Use the power of your USP to drive your brand

Persistence guarantees

So, be persistent. Don’t get caught. And ‘brand with a bang’ like the marketers taught. Have a definite plan and a burning desire. To keep your brand out of the fire.

Happy Guy Fawkes Night from BrandDNA.

Photo by Chaozzy Lin